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New. Classic. Contemporary. Original. For you. A selection of catalogues and publications by Maribor Art Gallery is now available at UGM book store! Purchase is made at UGM ticket office.

UGM Club Members and Young Friends of UGM receive 30% discount on all publications and products of UGM.     

  • From birth to birth, from oneself to others

    6 € / 4 € (UGM Club Members)

    The catalogue accompanied an extensive thematic exhibition of family topics in Slovenian fine arts.

  • Vlasta Hegedušić: Open Curtain

    6 € / 4,80 € (UGM Club Members)

    The catalogue was published next to the exhibition The opened curtain, which presented an overview of costume design and scenography of Vlaste...

  • Fritz Friedriger and Maribor

    3 € / 2,10 € (UGM Club Members)

    The catalogue reveals details about life and work of the architect Fritz Friedriger, who was encouraging the development of construction culture in...

  • KAREL JIŘAK, Paintings

    5 € / 3,50 € (UGM Club Members)

    Works of the painter Karel Jiřak (1897-1982) include above all traditional fine arts themes such as landscapes, still life, figurative elements,...

  • Rebecca Horn

    17,50 €

    Comprehensive overview of Rebecca Horn's oeuvre.

  • Jože Šubic

    10 € / 7 € (UGM Club Members)

    Academic painter Jože Šubic, a member of one of the most successful generations of artists in the last decade – Generation 82, contributed...

  • Maks Kavčič, Between Painting and Scenery


    Between Painting and Scenery is a monograph dedicated to the painter and scenographer Maks Kavčič (1909–1973). It presents Kavčič’s artistic journey...

  • Bogomir Ecker, On Test

    3 € / 2,10 € (UGM Club Members)

    On Test is a space installation, made especially for the Knight’s Hall of UGM. In this installation the artist Bogomir Ecker (b. 1950) is engaged in a...

  • Vojko Štuhec

    5 € / 3,50 € (UGM Club Members)

    Catalogue of the exhibition of sculptor Vojko Štuhec, which was presented in UGM between December 1984 and January 1985.

  • Milan Vojsk, A Retrospective


    The catalogue was published next to the exhibition of works of sculpture Milan Vojsk, one of the most enigmatic fine art personalities in the...

  • Natura mortua

    3 € / 2,10 € (UGM Club Members)

    Catalogue presents works by European artists, that outpoint double meaning of the ambivalent behaviour between nature and art.

  • Rudolf Kotnik, A Retrospective

    5 € / 3,50 € (UGM Club Members)

    The catalogue was published next to the exhibition Retrospektiva, which was presented in UGM between March and April 1994.