GENERALI Friday & Express Guided Tour / No Looking Back, Okay?
A guided tour with the exhibition assistant curator and a chance to experience the gallery in the after-hours!
A guided tour with the exhibition assistant curator and a chance to experience the gallery in the after-hours!
The author explores daytime parahypnagogia, an altered state of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness.
The elephant, glad to have found his audience at last, and the ant, happy to be noticed, become friends and start sharing stories.
The exhibition reflects on the question of whether a look back can at last offer us a new beginning? Perhaps the time has come to remember the future!
UGM | Maribor Art Gallery opens its doors wide for the Slovenian Culture Holiday, inviting visitors of all nations into the arms of visual arts.
A guided tour with the exhibition curator and a chance to experience the gallery in the after-hours!