Saturday workshop / Pop: Human figure in sculpture and painting
On the exhibition Slovenia and Non-Aligned Pop we are going to take a look at human figure in painting and sculpture.
On the exhibition Slovenia and Non-Aligned Pop we are going to take a look at human figure in painting and sculpture.
Visit us during the holidays! We will be closed only on 24, 25 and 31 December 2016 and 1 January 2017.
Na okrogli mizi bomo obravnavali vprašanja o umetniških ateljejih v mestu, kakšni so, komu so namenjeni in kako bi mesto pomagalo reševati pomanjkanje ateljejev.
Children are going to get familiar with artistic works of the exhibition Slovenia and Non-Aligned Pop, which represent consumable goods mostly in atractive package.
On Friday, 16 December, 2016, at 19:00 you are kindly invited on the opening of the two selling exhibitions at the same time: OFF THE HOOK and Polona Poklukar/ Abovebeyond /Hat Polyforms.
Exhibition Slovenia and Non-aligned Pop presents painting art during sixties and seventies of 20th century made in Slovenia.