Meet the artist / Mina Fina
In her artwork, Mina Fina explores drawing, animation and video, as well as the transition between these media, often in the final form of a spatial installation.
In her artwork, Mina Fina explores drawing, animation and video, as well as the transition between these media, often in the final form of a spatial installation.
New, interesting tasks for the whole family are already prepared here! We will get to know moving artworks and with the help of our parents, make some of our own.
This small, unassuming painting by Ivan Grohar, one of the four Slovene impressionists, represents the symbolic beginning of the UGM Collection.
Matej Koren is a graphic designer, Art Director and professor of visual communications at the University of Maribor.
As part of the Forward to the Past campaign, UGM has prepared an online presentation of 5+ Festive Works from the UGM Collection.
The first work in the UGM Collection was purchased 32 years before the gallery was founded. How come?