Staying at Home with Zbirka UGM / Maks Kavčič - Little Rihtar
M. Kavčič, painter, pedagogue and internationally acclaimed stage designer, was one of the central figures of Maribor’s art scene after World War II.
M. Kavčič, painter, pedagogue and internationally acclaimed stage designer, was one of the central figures of Maribor’s art scene after World War II.
In Portrait of Wife Trstenjak portrays his wife, who was of Czech descent. The painting depicts a young woman in the pose of a modern Venus.
E. Piščanec belongs to a generation of female artists who established themselves despite living in a time where art academies were not open to women.
The Coast is a short digital video, a series of frames depicting everyday life in Venice Beach, Los Angeles.
The irony-rich message is conveyed through the image of the dog, of devotion and loyalty personified, set against the background of blue, the colour of calm and wisdom.
The titles such as Everyday Farewell and Daddy, When Are You Coming Back?, reveal a more intimate, more vulnerable side of the individual.