Staying at Home with Zbirka UGM / Nataša Prosenc Stearns - The Coast
The Coast is a short digital video, a series of frames depicting everyday life in Venice Beach, Los Angeles.
The Coast is a short digital video, a series of frames depicting everyday life in Venice Beach, Los Angeles.
The irony-rich message is conveyed through the image of the dog, of devotion and loyalty personified, set against the background of blue, the colour of calm and wisdom.
The titles such as Everyday Farewell and Daddy, When Are You Coming Back?, reveal a more intimate, more vulnerable side of the individual.
The portrait of a young woman with a swim cap and goggles on her head is executed in grey monochrome tones and exudes a calm peace.
The spruce plate with tree rings renders a varied and uneven water surface and counterbalances the smoothed surface of the two figures with yellow hats.
The thick walls, skewed under the weight of time, are awoken in sharp interlacing shadows, where the streets swirl in a mysterious nocturnal dance.