How to gain and keep art studio in Maribor?
Na okrogli mizi bomo obravnavali vprašanja o umetniških ateljejih v mestu, kakšni so, komu so namenjeni in kako bi mesto pomagalo reševati pomanjkanje ateljejev.
Na okrogli mizi bomo obravnavali vprašanja o umetniških ateljejih v mestu, kakšni so, komu so namenjeni in kako bi mesto pomagalo reševati pomanjkanje ateljejev.
Children are going to get familiar with artistic works of the exhibition Slovenia and Non-Aligned Pop, which represent consumable goods mostly in atractive package.
On Friday, 16 December, 2016, at 19:00 you are kindly invited on the opening of the two selling exhibitions at the same time: OFF THE HOOK and Polona Poklukar/ Abovebeyond /Hat Polyforms.
Exhibition Slovenia and Non-aligned Pop presents painting art during sixties and seventies of 20th century made in Slovenia.
UGM invites you to spend 'That Happy Day of Culture' at the gallery UGM to spend a day enjoying visual art!
Slovenia has its own pop art! The exhibition Slovenia and Non-Aligned Pop presents art that was created in the Socialist Republic of Slovenia during the 1960s and 70s.