Saturday workshops
Young visitors between the age of 4−11 can spend Saturdays exploring art, playing games and being creative. From 10:00−11:30.
Young visitors between the age of 4−11 can spend Saturdays exploring art, playing games and being creative. From 10:00−11:30.
During autumn holidays children are invited to attend a three-day robot workshop.
The robot as a phenomenon will be presented at a round table in its broadest sense.
You are kindly invited to the Saturday walks through the UGM art collection, which will be dedicated to the Maribor Painting in the 1970s and 1980s.
Along with the guided tour by Ida Hiršenfelder, Sanela Jahić will execute the performance Fire Painting.
Young visitors between the age of 4−11 can spend Saturdays exploring art, playing games and being creative. From 10:00−11:30.