Artists Talks | No Looking Back, Okay?
Their very distinct art practices range from drawing, painting and imbroidery through installation, video and art book design to tattooing.
Their very distinct art practices range from drawing, painting and imbroidery through installation, video and art book design to tattooing.
A lively exchange of art practices and experience is to be expected, with reports on the Wom@rts project participation and plans for the future.
On International Women's Day we are opening the first of two consecutive presentations of art works emerged from the Wom@rts Project's artistic residencies.
A guided tour with the exhibition assistant curator and a chance to experience the gallery in the after-hours!
The author explores daytime parahypnagogia, an altered state of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness.
The elephant, glad to have found his audience at last, and the ant, happy to be noticed, become friends and start sharing stories.